Österlånggatan 9, 503 31 Borås
PostadressBox 878, 501 15 Borås
The authority´s staff can be reached by e-mail at: forename.surname@swedac.se
Swedac is a Swedish public authority. Documents received by e-mail, mail and fax are registered and saved as public documents.
Phone, fax and email
Phone: +46-771-99 09 00
Fax number: +46-33-10 13 92
E-mail: registrator@swedac.se
Opening hours
Reception: Monday to Thursday 08.00-16.00, Friday 08.00-15.00
Switchboard: weekdays 08.00-16.00
Closed for lunch: 12.00-13.00
Day before public holiday: 08.00-12.00
VAT registration number:
IBAN: SE4312000000012810103593